Welcome to Surfside KIDS!
We are so glad you are here!
On this page you will find information about the Children’s Ministry of Surfside Presbyterian Church. We welcome all children Birth to 5th grade to join us as we learn about the GOOD NEWS of Jesus!
When you arrive as a first-time visitor you will be greeted with a smile and directed to Surfside KIDS Check-In. Here we will register your family and give you some info about our ministry!
Join us on Sunday at 9:30am and be sure to check out our special summer events!
We look forward to meeting you soon!
The Surfside KIDS team
At Surfside Presbyterian Church our Surfside KIDS…
- Know God’s truth (2 Timothy 3:15)
- Inhabit God’s kingdom (Matthew 19:14)
- Delight God’s heart (Luke 10:21)
- Show God’s love (1 John 3:18)
Covenant Kids – Sundays 10-10:45am
Sunday School – 10:45am-12
9:30 Worship Service
We are excited to offer care for Surfside KIDS during our 9:30am service. Children ages 6 weeks – 3 years old will check in and go and go to their nursery rooms downstairs at the white gate.
Children ages 4 years old – 3rd grade will check-in and head into the worship service with their parents or caregivers. Before the sermon our pastor will dismiss these children for Covenant Kids and an approved volunteer will lead them to their class from the the back of the sanctuary.
Children ages 4th-5th grade will check-in and remain with their parents for the duration of the first worship service. They will join the children on the playground at
10:30am(off of room 109 in the Foyer) for games and Sunday school.
Children 6 weeks – 3 years old can be picked up from the nursery room where they were dropped off and children 4 years old – 5th grade can be picked up from Room 109 off the Foyer.
11:00 Sunday School
At 10:30 children 6 weeks – 3 years old will can remain in care behind the white gate and will enjoy a second Bible story, playtime and a snack.
Children ages 4 years old – 5th Grade will play volunteer directed games, enjoy a snack and learn what God’s Word. This is a great time for our Surfside KIDS to build community with one another while you, the parent or guardian, build community in one of our adult classes.
Children 6 weeks – 3 years old can be picked up from the nursery room(at the white gate) where they were dropped off and children 4 years old – 5th grade can be picked up from Room 109 off the Foyer.
For New Mothers
The sounds children make in church are sounds of the kingdom! These sounds are most welcome in our worship serve! You are more than welcome to remain with your little ones in our sanctuary throughout our worship service. If you have need The Respite Room is available for nursing and infant care. When you enter the sanctuary you will notice a staircase on your right. Just up those stairs past the balcony seating you will find The Respite Room.
Family Worship
While we love to offer care on Sunday morning for Surfside KIDS ages 6 weeks – 3rd grade. If you prefer to worship with your family you will find colored clipboards at our check-in station or by the sanctuary doors with Surfside KIDS bulletins and crayons so that your KIDS can follow along through our service by your side.
Dear Parents,
We are so glad you are here or are planning on visiting with us this coming Sunday. We hope that will find hospitality and making connections with other adults during your visit with us at Surfside Pres. While your child is cared for, you will be able to participate in corporate worship (930am) and attend the Student Families class or one of the other Sunday Schools at 11am.
At Surfside you will meet other parents who are totally familiar with the wins and struggles of parenting. You will l find parents in every life stage: from diapers to college admissions, from newlyweds to grandparents. It is our hope that together we will navigate these little years with hope and grace for ourselves and one another because of the grace God offered us in Jesus Christ!
We believe our main role at Surfside KIDS is to support you, the parent, as you love, lead and teach your children. This why we are committed to providing excellent care for your little ones so that you can worship with a clear head and heart, knowing your little ones are safe. Our trained volunteers are excited to serve your families
Feel free to reach out by calling the church office(843-650-2020) or emailing
nursery@surfsidepres.com if you have any questions.
The safety of your children and our volunteers is our top priority. We allow only approved volunteers in the Surfside KIDS area. If you would like to pop in and visit your child while they are in our care the Director of Children’s Ministry would love to take you to their classroom. This policy is in place for the safety of our Surfside KIDS and our volunteers.
Check-in & Check-out
Check-in: All children, 0 – 5th grade, Check-in upon arrival. Our electronic Check-in system helps us keep track of all children on site. We ask you Check-in all children 6 weeks – 5th grade even if your family is planning to worship together for the duration of your visit.
Check-out 6 weeks – 3 years: Children in this age group are cared for downstairs and will be checked-out at the white gate. Please present your pick up tag to the volunteer behind the gate and she will happily bring your little one to you.
Check-out 4 years – 5th Grade: Children in this age group will be checked-out from Room 109 off the Foyer. Please present your pick up tag to the volunteer in this office and she will radio up for your children to be brought to you from their classroom.
Background Checks & Training
Staff and Volunteers working with Surfside KIDS go through our MinistrySafe training and clear a state and federal background check. We train and prepare diligently to provide kind, excellent and Christ-centered care for your child. As always, we are ready and excited to answer any questions you may have!
Safety Team
Every Sunday we have local uniformed officer on site with us. You will also notice teams of men in blue Surfside polos. These men serve on our safety team and are available for immediate needs via radio. Our staff and volunteers use two-way radios to communicate with one another during our services and give us the ability to quickly mobilize and coordinate care if a need arises.
How do you handle toy cleating & classroom sanitization?
Cleanliness Is a top priority for the volunteers at Surfside KIDS. Our toys, tools, and classrooms are sanitized each week before your child’s arrival. Special care and attention is given to our after-potty and pre-snack hand washing procedures.
Do you provide a snack? If so, what kind?
When your child is with us on a Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, or any other time during the week, we will always provide an allergy-friendly snack, • individually packaged goldfish crackers, Kelloggs rice crispy treats, and Kirkland soft and chewy granola bars are provided weekly. Surfside KIDS are encouraged to bring their own labeled water bottle to class with them. Don’t worry if you forget! We are happy lo provide water cups for our little ones.
Do you have an allergy policy?
Al Surfside KIDS we know that there ore many chronic illnesses and allergies that can make drop-off a challenge. Please know we take these needs seriously and if your child has a medical need their printed nome tag will hove a discrete green sticker so that all staff and volunteers can provide exceptional care.
What Is your diaper changing policy?
If your child is of diapering age he or she will receive a diaper change each time they are with us in Surfside KIDS. We follow state guidelines to ensure safe and proper diaper changing.
• If you prefer to change your child’s diaper during service we will happily text when your little one is ready for a diaper change.
Can I drop-off my child for care and come back after your programing?
This Is a common question. For children participating in Surfside KIDS events a parent or guardian must remain on site at all times. This remains our policy for all events and for all children ages 6 weeks – 5th grade.